Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Kutti boy with baby sister

So how is the kutti boy taking the arrival of his little sister?
Well he loves her really. So far - he has been very affectionate with her. Calls her "KuTTi papa" with a stress on the T's. And grinds his teeth and comes close to her and gently pats her on the cheek.
And then pats her a little more...
Which suddenly grows into an extra dose of affection and the pressure increases on the pat pat...
So far so good. Let's see how long this gentleness lasts in how he treats his little sister...


Just Like That said...

Awwww, very very cute. lol at the pressure love

noon said...

Oh thanks! Just posted it and was surprised to see a comment...Was just figuring out why it is not allowing me to post between lines! Anyway - have to sleep now since I have to wake up soon for the next feed cycle. So no time to figure it out.
Thanks for your comment JTL!

Sunita Venkatachalam said...

Awwwww Pictures ! I love them. I love the way kutti boy and baby are interacting. Sweetness!

Maggie said...

Sweet, sweet kutties! :-)

the mad momma said...

exactly the same age difference as my two, right? 22 months? this is how he started out... being gentle and now we have to keep him away from her because he is so rough.. sometimes deliberately, sometimes not..

noon said...

Poppins, Moppet's mom - Thanks! It is very sweet really how KB enjoys his lil sis but man he really does act up in other ways if I am not available for him...

Madmomma - Yeah 22m. Amazing that you remember it.
Yeah right now he is gentle with his sis but somehow in the evenings - I guess both kids are tired and get agitated - but he starts crying for some random reason and demands so much attention from me while I have to nurse her or change her diaper - it drives me to tears! I give him soo much attention pretty much any spare time I get and yet those evening times somehow he just loses it and acts like I am his enemy and just demands so much from me when I am just not able to be available for him...I don't know how you are managing...does all this happen to you?!

Swati said...

Awww..very cute ..lovely pics and the way he his parring..he looks super cute.

Good that I chanced here ..You have got lovely little babies ..will come to see them often.

BTW.."Kutti" means "small" ..right ? And "papa" means baby ?

The Inquisitive Akka said...


Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures!

Tharini said...

Gosh...what cute pictures. Love them both. And I can't tell who is the baby sometimes...your little guy looks so small in young and his careful expression as he pats her...

noon said...

IA, UTBT - thanks so much!

Tharini - Yeah I feel that way too - he is so young...he is still a baby...

Maggie said...

Noon, is there an email id I can reach you on? Let me know, I'm at

~nm said...

Verry cute! I was smiling a eral big smile seeing them together and big brother loving her lil sister!

Unknown said...

Gosh isnt that so so very very cute....she's absolutely adorable...

noon said...

nm, Karmic,
Thanks so much..

Kusum Rohra said...

They look so adorable together :)

* touch wood *