Sunday, September 21, 2008

KB speak...

I am writing some of these because this is the only way I will remember the things that KB said which B and I find really cute (of course as parents even "duh" things that kids say are really just so "smart" and "amazing" and "cute"!).

KB loves watching any kind of "Fix it" work being done either by B or by the handyman. Even when he was two he used to pretend like he was unscrewing his toys and putting the batteries in.

And when a bulb fuses, it is a source of excitement for KB. He will remind us non stop that we ought to take him to "Home D" ( he says that for Home Depot) and buy a new bulb. He learned the word "fuse" when we were talking to each other saying that the bulb had fused.

We have recessed lighting in the living room and suddenly yesterday when we had guests over, we turned the lights on and found that a couple of bulbs had fused. KB has been talking about it non stop and before going to be bed he suddenly told me "Mamma, the bulb is confused. We have to go to home D and get new bulbs".

Yes dear, in our house even the bulbs are confused! :)
KB read this book called "Mr.Bell's fix it shop", an old used book that my sister had sent for KB. It is a really nice book about an old man named Mr.Bell who can fix just about anything - his board says - except broken hearts. But the little girl who is his helper is heart broken because her puppy chewed her doll. Mr. Bell fixes her doll and so she asks him to change his board to say "I can fix anything, even broken hearts". Digressed to talk about the book.

KB loves some of the words in the book like "Gingham and Satin" and "musty, dusty corner" type rhyming words. He has a smile when I read those lines to him. He picked up the word "customers" from that book where the barber comes and tells Mr.Bell to fix his radio since his customers are missing the music in his shop.

The other day KB was toying around with KG's puzzle sorter and couldn't find some of the puzzles. He came to me and said, "Mamma, the customers are missing the shapes, Mamma!"


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed that! Do keep posting such remarks; you too will enjoy them later...

Mama - Mia said...


its awesome how kids pick bits and pieaces and actually make lamost sensible and logical phrases!!

you go KB! :)



Preethi said...

That was so adorable.. The bulbs are so confused.. :) And yes you need to document this.. KB is smart, amazing and cute!!! :)

the mad momma said...

ROFL. I love the confused family :)

Mystic Margarita said...

LOL! What did you do to confuse the bulbs, Noonie?

Neera said...

Such cute anecdotes :) Hugs to KB and we want more :)

Yet Another Mother Runner said...

cho cute!! I'm sure you had a good laugh at the "customers" missing the shapes :)
And the "confusion" is priceless!!

Anonymous said...

something for you on my space! :)

Rohini said...

LOL! My favourite one is the confused bulbs...

Aryan-Arjun said...

that is really funny...KB rocks...

Aryan-Arjun said...

You are awarded again....

noon said...

Deponti - thanks - will do!

Mama-mia - yeah - very interesting how they randomly pick up phrases and use them almost right!

Preethi- thanks for the feel good comment :) You are so sweet!

MM - the mad family should meet the confused family! :)

Neera, GND - thanks!

K3 - thanks! I wrote a comment there too!

Ro - yeah - much confusion here!

Aryan - thanks for the comment and for the award! Will post soon!

Cantaloupes.Amma (CA) said...

ROFL !! Confused family ... how cute !!!

I hope the KB is doing ok with whatever decision you guys have taken for him.
Cantaloupe has been going to day care/ preschool for a long time now and started throwing tantrums for the first few weeks of school this year. In her mind, Junior didn't go to school so she didn't have to either. She is slowly settling to a routine now.