Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Was daddy king?

KG was eating her breakfast when my FIL was watching the royal wedding on TV.  I told KG, "Hey look KG, the prince and the princess are getting married".  She turned and saw Kate (yes, we are on first name basis) down the aisle in her wedding gown. 

Today as I was driving the kids back from the doctor's office, a carnatic music CD was playing in the car.  KB knew that that vocal artist had sung at our wedding.  He asked me suddenly "Mamma, when did you and Daddy get married?".  I told him.  "Mamma, I was not born then right? I came only three years after you and Daddy got married".  (Yes dear you were not born when I got married or your grandma would have killed me outright).  KG who was quiet until then said, "But Mamma, you were a princess when you got married".  Not wanting to elaborate on how I was not a princess and to not disappoint/confuse her, I said, "Yes, KG, I was a princess when I got married".  Very innocently she asked me, "Daddy was the king right Mamma?".  Hmm. You bet he was! Why do you think I married him?!  


Sumana said...

Ahh the imaginations they have. Lovely one. This tells that their mind is working all the time linking up things.

Anonymous said...

That's a sweet post..

noon said...

Hey Suamna - thanks! And when do you plan to post again?!

W - Thanks!

on and on and on said...

Hi! Noon, that was so innocent, kids u never no what they will come up with, & no matter how much they confuse but one always tends to enjoy their innocent queries